Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Keynote is a presentation tool designed by apple for their phones and tablets.  It is designed specifically to accommodate touch screen devices and can also be used on Mac computers.  Users can access and share their presentations on different devices, and their is nothing lost from the projects when switching from an IOS tablet/phone to a Mac.  Keynote is also compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint, as Keynote documents can be saved as PowerPoint files, allowing users to easily work together with people that use PowerPoint.  Keynote also allows its users to make high quality slide show effects on their projects, including reflections, frames, charts, transitions, color effects, and much more.  It is extremely easy to share Keynote presentations with anybody, as the drop down menu allows users to send the presentation via email, or send a link through messaging.
Keynote can be beneficial for businesses to use in presentations.  It offers many templates for presentation style, and a large amount of these templates are designed for professional work.  Many offices use PowerPoint for presentations instead of Keynote, but that does not limit Keynote users’ ability to work from home.  Keynote allows users to save their presentations as PowerPoint files, allowing them to work on presentations created at work, and create presentations for work at home.  Keynote is also easily shareable.  Through email, it can be shared with any bosses, colleagues, clients, or potential clients that might need to see the presentation.  Keynote is a great tool for businesses to use.
Although it is not specifically designed for social use, Keynote can be a cool thing to have fun with.  People can create presentations on any topic they want, and can use any template design they want to.  This really allows the creator of the project to have freedom to use his or her imagination to create a project.  Doing this can be very entertaining.  Projects can be shared with anyone, and for presentations made for fun, you can share them with your friends for a good laugh.  Also, your friends can send you presentations that they made for fun.  Although it is not really designed for social use, it is possible for people to use Keynote as a source of entertainment and fun.
Although Keynote is  great presentation tool, it can be abused.  For example, someone can use the high quality graphics that Keynote offers to distract people from flaws in their presentation, and make whatever they are presenting to seem better than it actually is.  Other than covering up weak points in presentations for products, services, and business plans, there is really no way someone can use Keynote to harm other people for personal gain.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Google Drive has transformed the way information is saved, accessed, and shared throughout the world since its creation in April of 2012.  Google Drive allows people to access information at the ease of their fingertips. Google Drive allows its users to create documents and share these documents with other users, and allows users to access information sent to them.  The connectivity of Google Drive allows information to travel at extremely fast speeds, and facilitates the actions of businesses, school projects, and many other things.  Google Drive has somewhat of a social aspect as it allows the users of a shared document to communicate through a chat box and make comments on certain parts of the document.  
Businesses can use google drive in many ways.  Employees and employers can share documents with each other, and work on them together until they are complete.  Google Drive also has a feature in its iPad app that allows users to digitally sign certain documents that require signatures, which may ease the process of approving business transactions and facilitate the actions that businesses take.  Google Drive actually provides an instructional page about how to properly use it for work and business related things.  Documents are automatically saved with every edit, and can be accessed with any device.  Documents can be shared with anybody, even people that don’t use Google Drive.  This really can facilitate business communications and allows people to work together on projects without having to meet face to face, which can save companies lots of money on travel.  Google Drive is overall beneficial for businesses to use.
Along with businesses using Google Drive, many individual people use accounts for social reasons.  Many people have multiple accounts, dedicating one or more for strictly working purposes, and another for soicial interactions, and they can switch seemlessely between the accounts, keeping all of their files safe.  Google Drive has social features including profile pictures and a group chat feature, which allows users to communicate with each other while working on a document, without leaving the document.  Google Drive accounts are also connected to Google’s social networking program, Google Plus, which allows users to connect as “friends”, share photos, upload statuses, see their friends statuses, video chat, and direct message.  Google Plus also gives users the ability to recieve world news, access email, and search the internet.  Google Plus also has an entertainment feature, Google Play, which allows its users to download games, apps, movies and TV shows, music, and books.  Google Drive, all though mostly used for work, has allows people access to acceptable social, entertainment, and news features, and can be used recreationally for just about anything.
Although it is a great website, it can be abused.  People may share fake information with colleagues competing for a promotion or fighting not to get let go, which may throw the colleagues off and end up hurting them.  Google Drive should only be used if all of the information is accurate, if it is not  accurate, its functionality for businesses dissipates.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Linkedin is an online resume profile that allows people to connect together in order to find jobs or find employees. It also allows businesses to market their products and services to people interested in their industry, which also helps individuals discover these companies.  Not only does linkedin allow people and businesses to connect to each other, it also looks for people that have similar attributes/needs and allows them to find each other.  In its basic form, users can access the website for free, but LinkedIn also gives users the option to pay for a premium account, which costs $19.95 a month and gives users a few more features that are not found in the free account.  One of these additional features is extra “InMail” messages per month, which allows users to send multiple messages directly to other users, regardless of whether or not the users are connected.
LinkedIn is also provides users with some social networking, but in a more professional manner than other social networking providers.  Users are allowed to make “status updates” similar to those of Facebook and Twitter, and these statuses go to the feeds of the people that are connected to the account.  The website also provides group pages, where different accounts join together to discuss certain topics that have to  do with whatever industry they are involved with.  Although this website is not known for its social features, they do exist, as people are allowed to conversate, even though it is usually in some sort of professional manner.
LinkedIn does not provide users with much entertainment.  People can connect to accounts regarding the entertainment industry, but there is no real service on the website that provides users with a direct source of entertainment.  Accounts do exist for some celebrities and entertainment companies, but there are much better websites for entertainment.  LinkedIn is supposed to be used as a professional website for building online resumes and connecting people and businesses, so it is not surprising that it is a weak source of entertainment.
LinkedIn is a great source of news for businesses and people seeking connections to jobs.  Every account has a news feed, which allows users to see what is happening with all of the accounts that they are connected to, and users can input their own news to the feeds of the accounts connected to them.  This keeps people up to date with their colleagues and gives them information about what is going on in specific industries with and specific companies.
LinkedIn is not supposed to be used recreationally, as it is a website for professional use, not one to have fun with.  There are some features, such as the status updates and news feed and conversations with other users, which allow users substantial freedom to enjoy their use of the website, but the website is used mostly to help people find jobs and connections.
Throughout its history, LinkedIn has connected hundreds of millions of accounts, and done its job as as a professional networking webite.


Monday, April 13, 2015

My name is Evan McCreesh and Mr. Hennings made me create this blog for first period Business and Personal Computer Applications.  I am an eleventh grader at Smithtown High School East in St. James, NY.  I am on my school's varsity volleyball and track teams, and I also play baseball outside of school.  I am a black belt in karate.  I root for the Mets, Giants, and Islanders.  My favorite food is pizza.